Some of the most far-reaching decisions about science and technology research, budgeting, regulation, and implementation are made in Washington, DC.
These decisions have profound effects on telecommunications, energy, healthcare, urban planning, and many other fields. They are the product of debate, collaboration, and negotiation among elected officials, agencies, and private-sector organizations – many of which do not have substantial technical knowledge.

The MIT Washington Program has, since 1995, placed undergraduates from across the Institute in summer internships where they actively contribute to this process. Housing and a stipend are provided, and clerical work is minimized, so students can apply their research, analysis, and writing skills for their internship sponsors, which include many of the country's most influential offices and organizations.
The program includes on-campus classes before and after the internships, and requires a spring break trip to Washington. Participants come from every part of MIT, and apply their experience in a wide range of careers, from research to management to scientific policymaking.
To learn more about the work that interns complete as part of our program, navigate to the interns page.