These organizations have sponsored MIT Washington DC Summer Interns in the past.
U.S. Congress
- Congressional Research Service
- House Judiciary Committee
- House Science Committee
- Senate Democratic Leadership Steering Committee
- Office of Rep. Michael Forbes (N.Y.)
- Office of Sen. Baucus (Mont.)
- Office of Sen. Dodd (Conn.)
- Office of Sen. Kennedy (Mass.)
- Office of Sen. Levin (Mich.)
- Office of Rep. Bart Gordon (Tenn.)
- Office of Rep. John E. Sununu
- U.S. Government Accountability Office
U.S. Federal Agencies (Executive Branch)
- Council of Economic Advisors
- Department of Education
- Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
- Department of Energy (Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board)
- Federal Communications Commission
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Office of Management and Budget
- National Institutes of Health
- Department of the Treasury
- White House
Think Tanks/Research Operations
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Enterprise Institute
- Brookings Institution
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Climate Institute
- Economic Policy Institute
- Heritage Foundation
- Institute for Defense Analyses
- Institute of Medicine
- Henry L. Stimson Center
- Urban Institute
Advocacy/Professional Associations
- Alliance for Health Care Reform
- American Electronics Association
- American Public Health Association
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Children’s Defense Fund
- March of Dimes
- MIT Washington Office
- National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
International Organizations
Private Companies