Anoushka Bose (’20)
San Diego, CA
Dana Mead Intern
Physics and Political Science Major
Nuclear Threat Initiative
I spent this summer working at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a non-profit, non-partisan organization working to protect lives, livelihoods, and the environment from nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber threats. I worked under the Global Nuclear Policy and Scientific and Technical affairs teams. I conducted long-term projects on the scientific merits of the threat of nuclear winter and on nuclear superfires but also spent much of the summer drafting memos and sitting in on meetings that I found particularly interesting. NTI was a wonderful workplace and I was incredibly lucky to have had such great access to career professionals in the field of nuclear policy.
Meet our 2018 interns
Learn about the internship experience from our 2018 interns.
- Emma Bingham (’19)
- Anoushka Bose (’20)
- Sarah Edgar (’19)
- Amanuael Gidey (’19)
- Claire Halloran (’20)
- Tarun Kamath (’20)
- Gene Kang (’19)
- Talia Khan (’20)
- Hanna Kherzai (’20)
- Kevin Li (’19)
- Mary Jane Porzenheim (’19)
- Chad Qian (’20)
- Sasha Rickard (’19)
- Thomas Strei (’20)
- Eleanor Wintersteen (’19)
- Whitney Zhang (’21)