Gina Choi

Gina Choi (’22)

Los Angeles, CA

Rich and Kathleen Levin Intern

Chemistry Major


This past summer I worked remotely at a trade group called PhRMA that represents various companies in the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. Their main mission is to represent all of these companies to conduct effective advocacy for policies that encourage discovery of important new medicines. As a result, PhRMA works to modernize the drug discovery and development process, promote value-driven health care, engage consumers, and address market distortions. My work specifically focused on a large array of topics, which included innovative contracting, cell/gene therapies, the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and more. As a result I was able to work with various teams on many assignments, ranging from organizing talking points about the advantages of value-based contracts to analyzing various Medicare Part D plans. During such a tumultuous time with COVID-19, I was also able to work on many exciting assignments related to coronavirus drug pricing and discovery right as new policies emerged. I learned so much from my internship this summer not only about public health but about the world of policy in general, opening up so many career paths that I never even knew existed in the first place.