Siddhu Pachipala | 2024 | Interns

Siddhu Pachipala

Siddhu Pachipala (’27)

Spring, TX

Political Science and Economics major

White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders

This summer I had the opportunity to work at the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI). WHIAANHPI is a small but mighty team under the Department of Health and Human Services, charged with “driving an ambitious, whole-of-government agenda to advance equity, justice, and opportunity for AA and NHPI communities.” Most of my day-to-day was spent revising, editing, and compiling the policy recommendations of the President’s Advisory Commission to President Biden on everything from economic and health equity, to immigration, to social belonging and inclusion — I got a taste of everything! I also got the chance to pitch in on historic events at the White House, like WHIAANHPI’s Pride Month and mental health convenings, which brought the personal stories and political concerns of local leaders, activists, and researchers to the halls of executive power.