Kelsey Merrill (’22)
Speedway, IN
Rich and Kathleen Levin Intern
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Consumer Federation of America
This past summer I primarily worked for the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) on digital privacy issues. More specifically, I researched and wrote a series of fact sheets on surveillance advertising for use by advocates and legislatures when crafting consumer digital privacy policy. Those fact sheets were ultimately published on CFA's website. During my time there, I got to attend many meetings with privacy advocates from around the country and get an inside view of how advocates work. Over the summer I also had the opportunity to work with the MIT Washington Office on another aspect of digital privacy: student privacy. I analyzed the College Transparency Act, an active bill in Congress, and wrote a report on the impacts of that bill for student privacy. I was also able to attend lots of different types of (virtual!) events around DC for the MIT Office, which was an awesome educational experience.
Meet our 2021 interns
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