Neta Batscha (’12)

Simi Valley, CA

Jeffrey L. Pressman Intern

Biology Major

Congressional Research Service

This summer I worked on health policy in the Domestic Social Policy division of Congressional Research Service (CRS). I researched and wrote a report about direct-to-consumer genetics testing and regulation. This involved researching the issue, the current regulatory environment, and the different policy options that are available for Congress, and then synthesizing the information in a report so that any Congressional staff or Member who reads it will have a good understanding of why the issue is important and what options are available for Congress.

Working at CRS, I had the opportunity to conduct research alongside experienced analysts and I had access to all of the resources in the Library of Congress. Additionally, I had the opportunity to attend CRS trainings and seminars, and Congressional hearings and briefings, some of which are only open to Congressional staff. These experiences gave me a much better understanding of the legislative process, and helped me learn about current issues being debated in Congress such as reducing the nation's debt and the effects it might have on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

I am studying Biology at MIT, with a minor in political science. I am interested in a career in health care and policy in the future, and working at CRS has given me a unique perspective about our nation's health care system and has given me experience researching and discussing policy issues from a broad, non-biased and non-partisan perspective. It has also given me practice explaining a technical subject, such as genetic testing, to a non-technical audience. These are skills that I think will be valuable in any career path I choose. Working at CRS this past summer as part of the MIT Washington program was a wonderful experience that I highly recommend to MIT students interested in policy.