Sumi Sinha (’12)

Nashua, NH

Dana Mead Intern

Biology Major

Pan American Health Organization

Participating in the MIT Washington Summer Internship Program was a great way for me to explore a field I was interested in while meeting a diverse group of students, alumni, and professionals. I worked at the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), a regional branch of the World Health Organization. As an intern, I learned not only about the structure of PAHO but also about the wide array of programs they support in member nations. I hope to return to public policy and work for the WHO after finishing medical school so this internship was an invaluable first step in that direction.

As an MIT intern, I also enjoyed attending the weekly speaker events hosted by our program. Hearing from officials in Congress, the NSF, the Executive Branch, the NIH (and more!) on topics that were relevant to me and my internship helped give me a deeper appreciation for the political process. Our group was also able to tour the White House, a truly DC experience.

This Program gave me a unique opportunity to apply my scientific background to help shape public policy. I enjoyed using my skills to inform decisions that had real-world impact in areas that even effect the way I research at MIT.