Sixing Zhao (’14)

Bronx, NY

Biological Engineering Major

The World Bank Group

I spent the summer at the World Bank working at the Human Development Network Health Division. I worked on pharmaceutical regulation in low-income countries and capacity development. My project involved drafting a guideline and report on strengthening weak drug regulatory systems that have led to the deaths of over 700,000 people per year from counterfeit drugs. In addition to my work on health systems in developing countries, I also worked on a crowdsourcing campaign that the World Bank was launching in 2013 on the future of health. It was a rewarding experience since I was able to interact with many different people at the World Bank, from marketing to web design teams, and learn about how the health policy world was embracing innovative forms of communication. I was also able to meet many members of the pharmaceutical regulation world as I attended seminars and meetings on universal health coverage and counterfeit drug trafficking. Apart from work, spending a summer in DC has been a wonderful experience.