Sarah Edgar (’19)
Delmar, NY
Jeffrey L. Pressman Intern
Urban Studies and Planning Major
DC Mayor's Office of Planning and Economic Development
As part of the program I worked within the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. More specifically I worked on the Great Streets team within the Business Development unit. The Great Streets Grants Program gives grants for capital improvements to local small businesses on designated corridors. As part of this team, I assisted with various events and programming and helped in the redesign of the team's website as well as the reformatting of an independent assessment made of the program. Much of my work involved data visualization and graphic design.
Meet our 2018 interns
Learn about the internship experience from our 2018 interns.
- Emma Bingham (’19)
- Anoushka Bose (’20)
- Sarah Edgar (’19)
- Amanuael Gidey (’19)
- Claire Halloran (’20)
- Tarun Kamath (’20)
- Gene Kang (’19)
- Talia Khan (’20)
- Hanna Kherzai (’20)
- Kevin Li (’19)
- Mary Jane Porzenheim (’19)
- Chad Qian (’20)
- Sasha Rickard (’19)
- Thomas Strei (’20)
- Eleanor Wintersteen (’19)
- Whitney Zhang (’21)