Eva Lisowski (’20)
Troy, MI
Jeffrey L. Pressman Intern
Nuclear Engineering Major
US Nuclear Industry Council
This summer I worked for the U.S. Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC), a non-profit, member-funded, business consortium that serves as the interface between the nuclear industry, Capitol Hill, and the White House. Throughout the summer I attended nuclear and energy-related hearings on the Hill, wrote summaries for USNIC member companies, and assisted the planning of a forum on advanced nuclear reactors that brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and venture capitalists. I also wrote a report summarizing several advanced nuclear technologies and their benefits, which will be presented to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the fall. I had the privilege of attending many cool events at the Japanese Embassy, on Capitol Hill, and the swearing in of the new Secretary of Energy on Nuclear Energy. I attended several networking events where I made many valuable connections in the nuclear industry. Overall, I gained a better understanding of the social challenges the nuclear industry faces, and several careers paths I could follow to help overcome them.
Meet our 2019 interns
Learn about the internship experience from our 2019 interns.
- Paolo Adajar (’21)
- Muskaan Aggarwal (’20)
- Michelle Bai (’20)
- Caroline Boone (’21)
- Grace Chuan (’21)
- Megan Diehl (’20)
- Mariam Dogar (’20)
- Yiqing (Jude) He (’21)
- Asia Hypsher (’21)
- Magreth Kakoko (’21)
- Amy Kim (’21)
- Eva Lisowski (’20)
- Frances Parker-Hale (’20)
- Tooba Shahid (’21)
- Amy Shim (’21)
- Francisco Zepeda (’21)